Plugin Recommendations

How do you use VST plugins? [2024] 🎧

Have you ever wondered how professional musicians and producers create those mind-blowing sounds in their music? The secret lies in VST plugins! These powerful digital tools can enhance, modify, and create sounds within your Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). But how…

How much does Kontakt cost? [2024] 💰

Video: HOW TO GET KONTAKT FOR CHEAP – AUDIO PLUGIN DEALS. Have you ever wondered how much Kontakt, the world’s largest virtual instrument platform, actually costs? Well, you’re in the right place! In this article, we’ll dive deep into the…

Is Free VST Plugins Safe? [2024] 📛

Video: Are VST Plugins Safe ?? Discover the Truth About Free VST Plugins and Ensure Your Music Production is Secure! Quick Answer: Yes, free VST plugins can be safe if you take certain precautions. While there are legitimate and high-quality…

What VST do producers use in 2024? 🎹

man in black shirt standing in front of audio mixer

Have you ever wondered what VST (Virtual Studio Technology) plugins producers use to create their incredible music? As musicians, audio engineers, and sound designers at Uniphonic™, we have extensive experience in the music production industry. In this article, we will…